Hamiota boasts many community groups that offer volunteer and social opportunities.
Hamiota & District Christmas Cheer Board
Contact: Airdrie KnightPhone: 204-764-2802
Our Committee consists of Dienna McConnell, Susan Allen and Airdrie Knight.
We meet in October to discuss fundraising ideas.
We advertise in the Leader, letting people know how they can donate to our organization.
Donations of money can be left at the Municipal Office and the deductible receipts are available upon requests.
Gifts can also be dropped off at the Hamiota Municipal Office or at the Hamiota Coop.
Our Group also receives money and gifts from local churches when they have their White Gift Services in December.
We obtain our referrals through the local health centre. Child and Family Services, the schools or people call us directly.
We provide everything needed to prepare a Christmas dinner as well as gifts.
For donations you can call 204-764-0979
Decker Country Riders 4-H Light Horse and Pony Club
Contact: Kristi ArguePhone: 204-851-1352
Mandate: The mission of the 4-H movement in Canada is to empower youth to be responsible, caring and contributing leaders that effect positive change in the world around them.
History: In the spring of 1982 two enthusiastic kids, rode their ponies into Bill Little’s yard and asked Faye and Greg Little if they would please help them start a pony club and teach the more about horses. That was the beginning of the Decker Country Riders 4-H Club as they know it today. Now, more than 35 years later the club is still going strong.
How to join: Reorganizational meeting to be held on September 22 @ 2p.m. at the Hamiota MASC office.
What to expect once you join: Regular riding lessons throughout the year and lots of other fun 4-H activities including project books, skills clinics and communications
When and where we meet: September to June on a biweekly basis
Contact information: Kristi Argue 204-851-1352 arguekn@hotmail.com
Drama Group
Contact: Evie StrachanPhone: 204-764-2354
Donors Choice
Contact: Heather FeschukPhone: 204-764-2056
Garden Angels
Contact: Jana TannasPhone:
Hamiota Agricultural Society
Contact: Kristi ArguePhone: 204-851-1352
Hamiota Ag Society will be celebrating the Hamiota Fair on – July 21, 2022.
The mandate of the Society includes encouraging improvement in agriculture, food production, and rural living, providing leadership in sustaining the social structure of rural communities encompassing educational opportunities and traditional activities in communities and providing programs, services, and facilities based on needs in rural communities.
Historical write-ups of Hamiota Ag Society are included in the two most recent Histories of Hamiota & Area and there are probably articles in earlier history books.
The annual event sponsored by the Hamiota Ag Society is Hamiota Fair always held in conjunction with the Milk Run on the third Thursday of July each year.
A list of directors for each section of activities held at the Hamiota Fair is included in the Prize List, an annual publication of the Ag Society which is available on this website.
Anyone wishing to join as a director may contact our President, Kristi Argue or Secretary-Treasurer, Linda Wilson.
Kristi may be contacted at 204-851-1352 or arguekn@hotmail.com.
Linda’s contact information is 204-764-2642 or ljwils13@gmail.com.
The sections included at the Fair are Light Horse & Pony, Heavy Horse, Miniature Horse, Cattle, Grains & Garden Produce, Fruits & Flowers, Cooking & Canning, Homecrafts & Handicrafts, School Work, and Junior.
Hamiota & District Archives
Contact: Ken or Vicki SmithPhone: 204-764-2552
The Archives are housed upstairs at the Heritage Arts Centre. The archives are maintained by dedicated volunteers. Volunteers are available to answer any of your questions about the town or area of a historical nature, every Monday morning for ten months of the year and by appointment throughout the summer.
You can email us at vksmith@xplornet.com
Hamiota Archery Club
Contact: Reed FowliePhone: 204-764-3809
Hamiota Art Club
Contact: Elaine RawlingsPhone: 204-764-2344
Although the Hamiota Art Club was officially organized in Oct. 1969, a group of ladies, namely Mrs. Kathleen Rutherford (since deceased), Mrs. Dorothy MacMillan (later Mrs. R. Riddick), Mrs. Bessie Houck, and Mrs. Ethel Stewart (since deceased) had been having get-togethers to go out sketching for several years.
The Club was formed with Mrs. Anne Perlmutter as instructor, who taught how to work in charcoal, pencil and oil media. In later years, instruction has been expanded to include watercolor, soft pastel, oil pastel, India ink and acrylic media by instructors from Virden, Brandon, Strathclair, Oak Lake, and Erickson in Manitoba, and from Marchwell, Saskatchewan, as well as some local artists.
The highlight of the Club year is the annual Art Show and Tea, which is held in the spring. This has created a great deal of interest, not only in the Club, but also in the community.
The Club members have also had a display of pictures at the Hamiota Summer Fair for several years. Pictures painted by the members are hung in the local Heritage Arts Centre, Royal Bank and Credit Union for viewing during the year.
Upstairs in the Heritage Arts Centre, the Hamiota Art Group meets every Thursday from October to April in a warm and sunny workspace and welcomes all level of artists to join them from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. or any part of the day you can manage. Work on your own art projects or join them for workshops and classes as they are scheduled.
It is a great opportunity to learn from peers in a very welcoming environment. A fresh schedule of workshops, classes, exhibitions, and special events is made available each spring and can be picked up from the Arts Council office.
Hamiota Garden Club
Contact: Karen NewtonPhone: 204-764-2703
The Hamiota Garden Club has been embraced by volunteers who are interested in beautification of the community not only for the present, but into the future. Today, the Hamiota Garden Club continues to play an important role in identifying suitable community projects and working towards continued overall community improvements. The Garden Club is committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community participation.
It encourages everyone to:
- Beautify their surroundings
- Conserve natural resources
- Protect our heritage
- Work together for the betterment of the community
Ways to Get Involved:
- Plant a tree
- Paint a fence
- Pick up litter
- Recycle Adopt a flowerbed
- Volunteer your help
- Donate Money
- Encourage others to become involved. i.e. school children and senior groups
- Donate to the Tree of Lights at the Municipal Office
Acres for Hamiota
Contact: Mark KnightPhone: 204-365-7186
Good ideas are common – what’s uncommon are people who’ll work hard enough to bring them about. Ashleigh Brilliant
Acres for Hamiota (AFH) is a local committee with a goal of raising funds for our community. Our objective is to be a supplementary provider of funds for existing non-profit organizations, as well as funding new projects that would benefit several of our residents. The underlying criteria for accessing funding from this committee, will be to make “Hamiota a more desirable place to live and visit”. LeeAnn Haggarty, a Hamiota resident, had a fantastic idea to rent land, grow a crop, harvest it and all money would go to new and existing projects within the community. She shared her idea with like-minded people and this is how Acres for Hamiota came to life. Acres for Hamiota launched in 2021. Our board consists of Mark Knight, Travis Brooks, Kevin Kirk, Nancy Smith, Laura Cowling, LeeAnn Haggarty, Brody Smith and Ron Knight. Quickly we organized meetings and began making decisions. We elected board positions and terms, began working on By-Laws, a rubric to determine how we would vote on funding, land rental agreement template, how to best communicate, logo, setup a bank account, grant application template, and much more were itemized and completed. The saying ‘Out of the gate running’ could have explained the group well seeing as how we first met in March and were preparing to plant a 2021 crop.
2021-In March of 2021 the board was extremely fortunate to find 105 acres of land to rent close to the town of Hamiota thanks to Neil Mathison a local farmer. AFH planted wheat and had lots of support from various agriculture services in the area. Farmer, business, and community support was phenomenal. Our revenue from the crop and donations before deductions was $85,801.92. The first recipient of funds from Acres for Hamiota was to the Hamiota Fire Department, which received $10,000.00 to help acquire a trailer to haul fuel for the STARS air ambulance. STARS’ has a vital role in rural areas, so funding for this project was very meaningful to us. Our voting process is done privately using a number scale therefor we all feel we can be honest and not be swayed by others. That year we also gave funds to Hamiota & District Sports Complex for stainless steel countertops in the amount of $8000.00, another $5000.00 to the Hamiota Fire Department for radio, lights, and decals for the truck to pull the refueling trailer. $2500.00 to the Mid-West Arts Council for cabinets and $9500.00 to the Hamiota Aquatic Centre pool heater. The first year was a learning experience and a very rewarding time for Acres for Hamiota. In the field on Harvest Day, we shared lunch with volunteers, students, and members of the community, as if it was an old-fashioned day. We had the radio station and Brandon Sun come out as well to join in the celebrations. The beautiful day, lunch, and watching the combines, grain carts, and trucks roll was an enjoyable day for everyone. A real sense of community was evident.
2022 marked year 2 and fortunately we were able to rent the same piece of land and this year planting canola. The board members went into action planning and organizing for plant 2022. Thankfully many agricultural services donated again and it was no problem finding volunteers to assist with the farm work. Everything fell into place. On harvest day that year, the temperatures were cold and the wind was blowing, but community members still ventured to the field for lunch and to watch the volunteers harvest the crop. Manitobans are simply made different!
In 2022, we came up with a new project IDEA and that was a cost share project to supply AEDs to rural locations around Hamiota. AEDs were placed at Knight Seeds, Hamiota Feedlot, Redfern Farm Services, Murray Seeds, and Chappel Ag Solutions. At this time, we suppled an AED to the Hamiota Fire Department as well. AFH put $8800.00 towards this unique project. We donated to the Hamiota 55+ Centre to support a games room in the amount of $7000.00. The Hamiota Community Centre was in need of new tables and helped them to get enough to hold events properly, this included round tables. – $5000.00. Hamiota Minor Ball requested funding for a homerun fence on Diamond 1; AFH donated funds in the amount of $1500.00 to cover the cost of the fence.
With our committee evolving, we decided to include the youth as much as possible. Kyle Johns, a Hamiota Collegiate student, became a nonvoting member of our board in 2022 for a one-year term.
In partnership with Ag in the Classroom, Laura Cowling organized a day filled with agriculture education for students from grades 2-8! Students rotated through three engaging stations. The stations were on crop protection, farm business, and canola crush. The grade 2-5 students were also bussed out to our Acres for Hamiota field where we had Leanne Campbell of Manitoba Canola Growers lead students on an engaging and hands on tour of the field. We scouted and identified weeds, checked planting depth, did plant counts, looked for flea beetles and flea beetle damage and learned about the structure of a plant and what crops need and don’t need to thrive. We also had help from Nutrien and BASF for this portion of the day! The grade 8 students participated in Journey 2050 an interactive program looking at how we will feed the world in 2050. The students were engaged and had a lot of great questions and comments for our presenters!
In December 2022, we held our gratitude evening to thank everyone who has contributed to our success since the start of the organization. Donors and volunteers were welcomed to this event.
2023, our most recent crop year went successfully with an excellent crop of wheat. We rented 30 acres from Neil Mathison again and 45 acres from Blair Charleton. The fields were close to each other and close to town. The board members were able to organize field prep and found volunteers to make it a prosperous year once again. It was our biggest attendance yet for the 2023 field lunch. Agriculture in the classroom took place again with grades 1 and 3 classes. Haily Johns serves as our student director this year.
In 2023 we embarked on NEW projects! We have placed radar speed signs on the north and south entrances of town to remind drivers to slow down – $8800.00. In an effort to find out what the public thought would be a good addition to our town, Acres for Hamiota asked for public input, and minigolf was one of the ideas put forward – $29,000.00. The minigolf project is going well and many people are thrilled for this addition in the park! Ready for use in spring of 2024!
AFH also donated to the Hamiota Golf Club centennial project to go towards a new patio in the amount of $5000.00.
Exciting news, AFH will be donating funds to cover the cost of heaters on the skating side for outside fans to stay warm at the Hamiota & District Sports Complex.
Acres for Hamiota has given more than $100,000.00 to existing or new projects in Hamiota. Money has been granted to the Hamiota Fire Department (refueling setup to supply fuel to the STARS helicopter), AED Cost Share project, Sports Complex (stainless steel countertops), Hamiota Golf Club (patio project), 55+ Centre game room and AED, Hamiota Community Centre (tables), Mid-West Arts Council (cabinets), NEW Highway 21 speed signs, Hamiota Aquatic Center (heating boiler), Hamiota Minor Ball (homerun fence on diamond 1), and the NEW Minigolf course! In 2024, AFH will be covering heater costs for outdoor fans to stay warm as they watch at the Hamiota & District Sports Complex.
STAY TUNED for announcements in the coming months!
The volunteers, donations, and support are gratefully appreciated and we couldn’t do the above projects without the support of our community and many agriculture services in Hamiota and the area.
Hamiota Junior Curling Club
Contact: Neil GregoryPhone: 204-764-2215
Hamiota Karate Club
Contact: Scott LintsPhone: 204-764-2610
Our club was established in 1989, offering classes to ages 5 to 75+! There is a variety of class options with the season running from September to May. The season is broken down into two sessions, September to December and January to May. Classes are instructed by Sensei Scott Lints who has 30 years of experience behind him, achieving his Godan (5th degree black belt).
The Hamiota Karate Club is associated with the Shintani Wado Kai Karate Federation (S.W.K.K.F). Wado Kai Karate is a Japanese style, meaning the “Way of Peace & Harmony”. It is one of the four major styles of Karate in Japan and remains one of the purest forms of Karate-do. The aim of Wado karate is not merely perfection of the physical techniques of self-defense, but the development of a mind that is tranquil and able to react intuitively to any situation.
We instruct our students in kindness and humility through the practice of traditional karate. Our focus is of basic techniques that include punching, kicking, blocking, open and closed hand strikes, and study of grappling and joint-twisting maneuvers.
The Hamiota Karate Club offers the following classes:
*ages 5 – 7 with half hour classes held on Sundays
*an introductory class to karate for young kids
*ages 8 years and older with 2 hour classes held on Sundays
*techniques are practiced and performed to achieve self-goals and growth
*ages 16 years and older with 2 hour classes held on Thursdays
*learning of techniques, self-defense, new skills and challenging oneself
Throughout the year there are several tournaments, gradings, clinics and events to attend. They are not mandatory but strongly encouraged. You will only further your opportunity to learn and expand as you meet new sensei’s and karateka to help you on your path.
We strive to create an easy going, positive and family friendly environment where everyone is welcome!
There is so much more we would like to share with you, so why not come out and try a couple classes to experience it yourself.
For more information you can contact us at: hamiotakarateclub@gmail.com
You can also find us on facebook at: “Hamiota Karate Club”
You can also learn more about Shintani Wado Kai Karate Federation (S.W.K.K.F) at: www.shintani.ca
Hamiota Ladies' Curling Club
Contact: Gayle ToltonPhone: 204-764-3990
Hamiota Lions Club
Contact: Elgin Rogers or Ryan HamiltonPhone: 204-764-2336
Hamiota Long Range Game and Fish
Contact: Ross MaitlandPhone:
McConnell 4-H Beef Club
Contact: Shawna SzwalukPhone: 204-759-2317 or 204-365-3120
you can email us at szwfamily5@gmail.com
Hamiota Mens' Curling Club
Contact: Tim Weber or Brian ToltonPhone: 204-764-2666 or 764-3990
Hamiota Minor Baseball
Contact: Mark MadsenPhone:
Hamiota Minor Hockey
Contact: Sheldon StrachanPhone: 204-721-1288
Mid-west Arts Council
Contact: Allison GardhamPhone: 204-764-2400 or email: midwestarts@mymts.net
Located in the Heritage Arts Centre
39 Maple Avenue“Art and culture are important to the development and vitality of a community. In a grassroots fashion, the Council promotes the development of art and culture for citizens of all ages within the Midwest Recreation District. To this end, the Council provides a forum for art exhibitions, performances, dance, music, as well as other activities which encourage individual self- expression.”
The Mid- West Arts Council promotes and is willing to provide art and cultural opportunities for all age groups in the Hamiota Municipality, and Wallace- Woodworth, Oakview, and Prairie View.
It is a community touchstone for anyone looking for information, classes or events in a wide variety of arts disciplines – dance, drama, visual arts, quilting, and music, or cultural and seasonal special events like summertime teas, street markets, buskers, and BBQ’s.
The Arts Council’s main office is located in the Heritage Arts Centre, a historic Royal Bank building, beautifully renovated by community volunteers to create a warm and inviting exhibition space. It features a kaleidoscope of exhibitions, which change monthly, from local and not- so- local artists, photographers, sculptors, needlework, and other artisans. It also houses the Gallery Gift Shop with a display of local artisans work available for sale –everything from quilted runners, hand- made jewelry and sculptures to knitted children’s sweaters and baby gifts. The gift shop rotates its’ work every three months so there is always something new to see and buy. The former bank manager’s office is a great spot to stop for a cup of coffee, sit by the working fireplace, admire the restored woodwork and discuss what arts discipline or idea you’ve always wanted to explore or get started anywhere in the Arts Council’s catchment area.
In summer, Thursday is ‘Arts Centre’ day in Hamiota with “Tea at the Old Bank” running each Thursday from 2- 4 p.m. from June to September. “The Sidewalk Dog” Café opens for business out front in July and runs throughout the summer also on Thursday from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Buskers liven the air with music and the Street Market sells fresh vegetables and crafts for as long as there’s a crowd eager to purchase their wares.
Throughout the year, the Arts Council provides special youth activities Halloween, Christmas, art classes, performers, facilitates birthday parties);organizes musical events of both local and touring talent; and opportunities for social and cultural activities like our Scottish Ceilidh in February. They are eager to encourage budding artists in area classrooms through school workshops or adult classes as well.
Drop in, check out the exhibitions, sign up for classes – there’s always something new going on and the Arts Council looks forward to meeting you and helping you develop your art interests in the Mid- West Area.
Office/Gallery/Gift Shop Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1:00- 3:00 pm or by appointment anytime.Leave a message at 204-764-2400 or
email: midwestarts@mymts.net
Midwest School of Dance
Contact: midwestschoolofdance@gmail.com.Phone:
Our dance club offers a variety of dance classes such as ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop and lyrical starting as young as 3 years of age to 18 years of age for all boys and girls!
Students thrive in their classes with our experienced dance instructor and studio administrator Miss. Brooke and her assistants.
We want to see every student be the best that they can possibly be! The character of a dancer is built through consistency, commitment, dedication, awareness and discipline to maximize the classroom teaching/learning experience.
Our program is successful by the contribution of our students and families. As many areas need volunteers to help have it run smoothly, our biggest aspect of this is our volunteer parent committee. The committee and instructors work together to provide all the opportunities that are possible for the dancers.
Our dance season runs from September to April with classes running Monday and Tuesday evenings. We participation in the Brandon Festival of the Arts in February, as well as the Virden Music and Arts Festival in March. At the end of our season in April we finish with a recital for family, friends and community to enjoy and to showcase the dancers hard work!
For more information on Midwest School of Dance and the registration information, you can visit our website https://sites.google.com/view/midwest-school-of-dance
or email us at midwestschoolofdance@gmail.com.
Hamiota Mixed Mixed Curling Club
Contact: Dale LittlePhone: 204-764-2772
Monday Night Hockey
Contact: Logan McGonnigalPhone: 204-764-0075
Hamiota Pioneer Club Museum
Contact: Ken or Vicki SmithPhone: 204-764-2552
Hamiota Palliative Care
Contact: Pat GreenawayPhone: 204-764-3986
Hamiota Red Sox
Contact: Justin Knight or Travis BrooksPhone:
Hamiota Seniors Council
Contact: Nancy StrachanPhone: 204-764-2658
The Hamiota Seniors Council employs a Community Resource Coordinator to help seniors and disadvantaged Persons live independently in their homes/apartment as long as physically possible. The coordinator ensures that senior and disadvantaged persons are made aware of existing community and government services and how to obtain those services.
Support services to seniors and disadvantaged persons are provided at reasonable rates, or on volunteer basis. Rates are charged for household chores such as baking, house cleaning (weekly or monthly), laundry, yard work, minor maintenance, snow removal, vacation home-check.
Transportation to out of town appointments and social service at excellent rates. Also available to seniors are foot clinics every six weeks, Lifeline service, and E.R.I.K. (Emergency Response Information Kit), for seniors disadvantaged people, and individuals with illness.
Active Living is promoted as a way in which physical activity is valued and integrated into daily life. Exercise programs are set on a weekly basis for seniors and disadvantaged persons to start the fitness challenge.
Programs include the Buddy Program, Congregate Meals, Mobile Meals, and weekly specials at the Hotel.
The Hamiota Seniors Council is an umbrella organization for three recreational clubs—Card Club, and Floor Shuffle Club, which meet regularly during the winter months: and the Hamiota Pioneer Club Museum. Social events within and outside the community are planned and promoted utilizing the Handi-Van services when feasible.
Hamiota Square Dance Club
Contact: Ed & Rosalie BeamishPhone: 204-764-2108
Our official name is Hamiota Happy Hustlers.
Modern square dance moves are taught and practiced each week (Thursdays) from October to April in the Heritage Arts Centre from 7 to 9pm.
It is fun to dance to tunes from the 60’sto the 2000’s. If you can walk you can dance because the moves are walking to music. There are 4 couples who dance in a square. Singles welcome as not everyone wants to dance every tip.
You can be a beginner and dance with seasoned dancers. Everyone makes mistakes and learns something new with each dance. Laughter can be heard, as you laugh at what you just did.
Informal dress, men long sleeve shirts, and good indoor shoes. A Caller tells you what moves to make and teaches to everyone. A light lunch follows the dance and lots of visiting is done. Dancing helps keep the mind and body active.
The 1st night of dancing for the 2019-2020 season is October 17th and you can join us for 3 weeks to see if you like it before you have to pay a membership fee. This fee is used to pay a caller who comes from Boissevain and rent on the Arts Centre .
If interested in joining or for further information, you can call Edward and Rosalie Beamish 204-764-2108 or Lynn and Edith Caldwell 204-764-2529. See you across the square.
Hamiota United Church Women
Contact: Deanna McConnellPhone:
The Hamiota UCW runs the Thrift Shop located at 45 Birch Avenue East where clothing and household goods are available.
Kenton Skating Club
Contact: Nicole WilsonPhone: 204-838-2423
Park West Community Band
Contact: Mr. SalmiPhone: 431-281-3800
Quilt Till You Wilt
Contact: Evie StrachanPhone: 204-764-2354
Running Club
Contact: Tim WeberPhone: 204-764-2666
TOPS Club, Inc.
Contact: Diane KuculymPhone: 204-566-2480
Contact Diane Kuculym- MB 3863 Hamiota Leader
Telephone: 204-566-2480
Email: kuculym2@mymts.net
Members of TOPS # MB 3963 recently named Diane Kuculym as their new chapter Leader. She is responsible for inspiring and motivating members to reach and maintain their weight-loss goals through TOPS® educational programs. Other officers were also elected, including the Co-Leaders Mavis Smith and Sue Longmuir, Secretary Faye Madsen, and Treasurer Cindy Routledge. In addition to the election of new officers, the chapter has appointed Ann Rothnie as Weight Recorder and Heather Shane as Assistant Weight Recorder.
At TOPS it is understood that losing weight is a journey. Consistent encouragement, understanding and strength from people going through the same issues make the TOPS organization so successful.
As a volunteer-run, nonprofit organization, TOPS Club, Inc.® (Take Off Pounds Sensibly®) counts on caring officers in local chapters to continue the tradition of helping and supporting its members as they make healthy lifestyle changes. Independent studies published in major medical journals show TOPS® weight-loss is just as effective as more expensive commercial programs.* Collectively, TOPS® members lose about 300 tons each year.
Weekly meetings of TOPS #MB 3963, Hamiota take place weekly at 6 p.m. on Wednesdays, at the Hamiota Centennial Library at 43 Maple Avenue East in Hamiota (Weigh-in is from 5:30 p.m. to 5:55 p.m)
Visitors are welcome to attend their first TOPS meeting free of charge and without obligation. To find another local chapter, visit www.tops.org or call TOPS Headquarters at 800-932-8677.
# # #
TOPS® is a powerful, noncommercial weight-loss support and wellness education organization with thousands of associate chapters in the United States and Canada. Members learn about nutrition, portion control, food planning, exercise, and more, in weekly meetings. Weigh-ins, group feedback, and support help members achieve their goals. Founded in 1948, TOPS is the original weight-loss support organization and its International Headquarters is located in Milwaukee, WI.
Recent university studies showing the effectiveness of TOPS® include:
· Determining the Effectiveness of Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS), a Nationally Available Nonprofit Weight-Loss Program. Obesity Journal Intervention and Prevention. Volume 19, Number 3, March 2011. Nia S. Mitchell, L. Miriam Dickinson, Allison Kempe, & Adam G. Tsai.
· Up to 7 Years of Sustained Weight Loss for Weight-Loss Program Completers. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. May 29, 2015 Nia S. Mitchell, MD, MPH, Sarit Polsky, MD, MPH , Victoria A. Catenacci, MD, Anna L. Furniss, MS, & Allan V. Prochazka, MD MSc.
· Reach of Effective, Nationally-Available, Low-Cost, Nonprofit Weight Loss Program in Medically Underserved Areas (MUAs). Journal of Community Health. First online: 14 June 2015, pp 1-6. Nia S. Mitchell, Ariann F. Nassel, & Deborah Thomas.
TOPS® (Take Off Pounds SensiblySM) is the short name for TOPS Club, Inc., the original, nonprofit, noncommercial network of weight-loss support groups. TOPS® offers tools and programs for healthy living, wellness and weight management, with exceptional group fellowship and recognition.
Mission: To help and support our members as they take off and keep off pounds sensibly.
Membership: TOPS® members (women, men and children) can be found in thousands of chapters across the United States and Canada. Annual dues are $32 in the U.S. and $46 CAD in Canada. Chapters may charge nominal fees to cover operating costs—usually $5 per month. (Canadian dues are based on $36 USD and adjusted annually to reflect exchange rates.)
How It Works: Weekly meetings include private weigh-ins and professionally prepared informational chapter programs featuring current nutrition, fitness and wellness information. Programs provide positive reinforcement and motivation to adhere to healthy eating and exercise programs.
KOPS® (Keep Off Pounds SensiblySM): Goal weight is set in consultation with a member’s licensed healthcare professional. TOPS® members at goal weight are called KOPS®. These members maintain their goal weight by continuing to attend chapter meetings for accountability and support as they Keep Off Pounds SensiblySM. About 16,000 of our members are keeping their weight off, and many have been recognized with Century Awards for losing more than 100 pounds!
Publications: TOPS® publishes Real Life: The Hands-on Pounds-off Guide, a 300-page lifestyle guide featuring practical information on nutrition, fitness, behavior changes and healthy living. Members receive TOPS News magazine, which features inspirational stories and health news. Wellness brochures and Healthy & Active magazine are available to healthcare professionals and others interested in healthy lifestyles.
Experts: TOPS® has experts in the fields of medical research, nutrition, fitness, and psychology. Since 1966, TOPS® has funded obesity and metabolic research at the Medical College of Wisconsin, providing more than $9 million from earnings and members to date. TOPS® also partners with Wake Forest University to study genetic factors related to obesity through the TOPS® Genome Registry.
Fabulous Figures: In 2018, TOPS® members collectively lost nearly 250 TONS! See our Fabulous Figures & Obesity Statistics handout for more current information.
Operations: Founded in 1948, TOPS® is administered by a ten-member Board of Directors. Nearly 500 Field Staff assist volunteer chapter Leaders to help and support our members.
Contact TOPS® Headquarters: 4575 South Fifth Street, PO Box 070360, Milwaukee, WI 53207; 800-932-8677 or 414-482-4620; www.tops.org (Click “Find a Meeting” to locate a chapter near you!)
Hamiota 4H Club
Contact: Lindsay CurrahPhone: 204-764-0439
Hamiota Senior Curling Club
Contact: Linda WilsonPhone:
Hamiota Fire Department
Contact: Fire Chief Josh CurrahPhone: 204-764-0441
If you are interested in joining you can also contact Ron Dale at 204-764-7025 or Blaine Colli at 204-365-7074
Cross Country Skiing
Contact: Dave JucePhone: email: dave@gmail.com
Hamiota Filipino Community
Contact: Ed Taborlupa or Czarina CondePhone: 431-882-0113
Rec Hockey
Contact: Kelvin ToltonPhone:
Birdtail River Fine Arts Festival
Contact: Kyla WilsonPhone:
The festival provides opportunities for students and public to participate and develop skills and talent in speech, vocal, instrumental and visual arts.
317 Strathclair RCACS (Air Cadets)
Contact: Capt Codie BakerPhone: 204-867-0403
Contact: Trina BanduraPhone: 204-721-1775