Hamiota Municipality,
75 Maple Ave., Hamiota, MB

Hamiota Municipality, 75 Maple Ave., Hamiota, MB
PH. 204-764-3050 | info@hamiota.com

Heritage Art Centre

Heritage Art Centre 

The main office is located in the Heritage Arts Centre (39 Maple Ave E. Hamiota, MB). The historic Royal Bank building was renovated into a home for the arts in the Midwest area. The centre has exhibition gallery space, workshop space, office and retail space. Rental of the facility is encouraged. Special events and programs are held on a regular basis. (tea at the bank, coffee house, etc)

Heritage Arts Centre Office and Gallery –  open Mon- Wed- Fri from 1 –  4 p.m. or by appointment (phone 204- 764- 2400 and leave a message)

Mid- West Art Council

“Art and culture are important to the development and vitality of a community. In a grassroots fashion, the Council promotes the development of art and culture for citizens of all ages within the Midwest Recreation District. To this end, the Council provides a forum for art exhibitions, performances, dance, music, as well as other activities which encourage individual self- expression.”

Hamiota Arts Club

The highlight of the Club year is the annual Art Show and Tea, which is held in the spring. This has created a great deal of interest, not only in the Club, but also in the community.

The Club members have also had a display of pictures at the Hamiota Summer Fair for several years. Pictures painted by the members are hung in the local Royal Bank and Credit Union for viewing during the year.

Hamiota and District Archives

Hamiota and District Archives is a non- profit organization run by volunteers.

It was created on February 12, 1986 at a meeting of a sub- committee of the Hamiota Centennial History Committee. As the publishers of Hamiota Grains of the Century, Vol.1 1884- 1984, the committee saw the need to collect and preserve our heritage.

The purpose of the archives is the collection and preservation of print and pictorial materials relevant to Hamiota and District.

The archives was originally located in the librarian’s office in Hamiota Centennial Library, and was moved in the spring of 2004 to its present location on the second floor of the Heritage Arts Centre to accommodate its growing collection.